
Showing posts from February, 2018


To Wait for Love I am a star, a silver pinprick of light Buried in the murky depths of heaven's ceiling Do not be my city lights and let me shine Clear and without hindrance I want to draw my own horizon With another star as bright as me Don't erase my light of virgin hope And leave me a gaping black maw Let me make a constellation With my loved one in the annals of time Let me blaze out in splendor Not alone but side by side If all it takes is time, then I shall wait, for anticipation will make it taste all the more sweeter. O.O Not To Wait Dare I dream of impossibilities To hold fire in my hands My heart sings to me but it's a siren's call I want to leap into an abyss And fly Tentative wings on my back But will I just be another Icarus And do I dare to hope Of things that shouldn't even be for me I dare to fling my arms forward Reaching for something that isn't mine The fire will brand ...


So the equilibrium is no more The surface tension has been broken What was once the glory days Is now nothing more than memory And filtered photos on your phone How often do you look at those I wonder And wish for when hearts were untouched by paranoia? I can't say when the frost began creeping in Seizing your soul and rendering you immobile To the machinations of inevitable separation We were too much like flint and flint Grinding against each other Until the sparks began to fly You took it too far and they were terrified Of seeing the monster inside the darkness that was you They say that it was a forgivable misstep And they smile and soothe but their eyes aren't quite meeting yours And the sinking of your heart is like an axe head in water Only there is no one to make it resurface again Their path diverges from yours It's a split road, one leading into an endless plain They say that you can't follow, and they hold you clos...

January Poetry Diary Entries

I took a breath of stagnant fear and glee And pretended to possess something beyond gray matter I dove through a synthetic tapestry And emerged scored with claws It was a cathartic moment That realization that I was more than flesh I was half soul and half beast Making love to Earth and divinity alike So I took the dagger of the moon And cut a piece of the sky's flesh And that night I made a feast of the Galaxy The egregious mistake; my hubris Is it possible to inbibe pleasure? Some might violently disagree But I prefer to flirt with danger The one who smirks into the kiss They prance and play on the waters Frothing and laughing and sighing Some siren calls them home and The dream ends and I wake in salt The scraping of teeth over a vein Watching the pulse jump in the skin Feathering fingers over my heart It's a carnal symphony and I revel in it They see halos and I see tridents Weathering the storm of a weeping la...

The Sfumato or the Mosaic

The melting pot the nation of the out and the in people with almond eye with the ebony skin with hair of gold with hands of white do they mix into a flag of many colors or do they segregate into blocky separates where the canvas is a mosaic divided and yet a whole picture or is it a sfumato where everything blends and nothing is individual but it's a color unlike any the world has ever seen?