
Frothy happiness bubbling like champagne
Carrying me abreast a wave of silver flame
Which swells and swells until my heart would burst
And I balance in the precipice, my wings unfurled

Soigne and curious, like a dapper dancer
My emotions flit and fly, in private they concur
That this new ball, this splendid shining thing
Deserves a worthy response, more than just a confettied fling

And so we clasp our silken hands and we laugh
Aloud and with careless shrieks
Until we melt into faerie wilderness and foreign heat
A strange, contorting writhe, like a dragon's prance

Colors blur into pastel obscurity
Nothing but green, green, and goldish white
I see nothing but your eyes in mine
As the water shivers on your star-studded eyelashes

They tremble, and I fall.


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